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Mesure osthéo-intégration OSSEO 100 - NSK (Y1004175) - Delynov

fabricant : NAKANISHI INC. 700 Shimohinata, Kanuma Tochigi 322-8666. Japan.Indications d’utilisation Osseo 100 est indiqué pour la mesure de la stabilité des implants dentaires. La population de patients visée est celle des patients porteurs d’implants dentaires. L’indication concerne les patients subissant des procédures d’implantation dentaire. Osseo 100 est contre-indiqué pour les systèmes implantaires sur lesquels le MulTipeg n’a pas pu être fixé pour des raisons d’incompatibilité mécanique. L’avantage clinique direct est que le chirurgien peut obtenir une valeur objective (une valeur ISQ) de la stabilité de l’implant. Utilisateurs visés Utilisateurs de soins de santé professionnels et environnements d’établissements de soins de santé professionnels uniquement. Veuillez lire le mode d’emploi avant la première utilisation. réservé aux professionnels de santé

Appareil de mesure de l’ostéo-intégration pour déterminer le moment idéal pour la mise en charge de l’implant.

2 138,29 € 2138.29 EUR 2 138,29 € Toutes taxes comprises 2 929,46 €

2 138,29 € Toutes taxes comprises 2 929,46 €

(0,00 € / Unités)

Cette combinaison n'existe pas., your online store specializing in consumables, surgical instruments, and equipment, presents the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175). This osteo-integration measurement device is specially designed to determine the ideal time for implant loading. Thanks to its advanced features, the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175) offers a precise and reliable solution for healthcare professionals specializing in implantology, dental surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, as well as periodontal surgery. Its use is reserved for experts in these fields and their teams and assistants. Osteo-integration is a crucial process in the success of dental implantation. It is the fusion between the implant and the surrounding bone, ensuring the stability and durability of the implant. The OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175) allows for precise measurement of this process, thus providing an objective evaluation of the ideal time for implant loading. With its state-of-the-art technology, this device provides reliable and reproducible results. Healthcare professionals can thus make informed and optimal decisions for their patients. By using the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175), they can adjust their treatment protocol based on the objective data provided by the device. The accuracy and reliability of the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175) make it an essential tool for healthcare professionals concerned with providing quality care to their patients. By objectively measuring osteo-integration, this device allows for optimization of implant treatment results. It is important to emphasize that the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175) is a medical device and must be used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Healthcare professionals and their teams must carefully read the instructions for use and respect any contraindications. If in doubt, do not hesitate to contact our team of experts at, who will be happy to answer all your questions. In conclusion, the OSSEO 100 osteo-integration measurement - Nsk (Y1004175) is an essential device for healthcare professionals specializing in implantology and dental surgery. Its accuracy and reliability make it an indispensable tool for optimizing implant treatment results. Feel free to purchase this device on, your trusted online store for all your consumables, surgical instruments, and equipment needs.