Title: 100 Red Sterilization Indicator Pellets (Pack of 100 pieces) - Aygün - Delynov


Plastic security seals with sterilization indicator. 100 pcs.
Ensure the sterilization process. The security seals are broken when opening the container lock.

Fabricat : Zone industrielle organisée Yaşar Doğu Caddesi, n° 76 Kerimbey OSB, 55330, Tekkeköy SAMSUN, TURQUIE.Lire attentivement la notice avant utilisation . Dipositif medical réservés aux professionnels de santé.

70.18 € 70.18 EUR 70.18 € VAT Included 96.15 €

70.18 € VAT Included 96.15 €

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